Dan Heller
What do you do outside of FEAST professionally?
An NHS Programme Lead in North London.
How/why did you get involved in FEAST?
I came along to one of Hannah’s introductory sessions when she was thinking of setting FEAST up, and started as a kitchen volunteer at Conway House. I loved getting to know volunteers and service users through the cooking and communal dining. I now live further away from our locations and timings don't work out so well, but over time I got more involved in other ways behind the scenes (eg helping with funding applications and writing reports) and joined as a trustee last year.
Anything FEAST is doing that you are particularly passionate about?
I obviously love the fact that we are able support people in need, but I really love that on top of that, FEAST builds connections and community, whilst also supporting sustainability.
Hobbies and interests outside of work?
I try to play football and recently started to play golf (I play both badly). I like to go to gigs and to the theatre. And I enjoy cooking!