Redbridge food partnership

Redbridge Food Partnership

Since November 2023, FEAST has led the creation and coordination of the Redbridge Food Partnership (RFP), a dynamic initiative aimed at creating a healthier, more sustainable food future for the local community to address food inequality and insecurity. The RFP is a collaborative network of cross-sector organisations, including Redbridge Council, local voluntary and community sector organisations, surplus food suppliers and healthcare providers, led by RFP Coordinator Bobbie-Jo Muir. This project is funded by the Greater London Authority. 

How the partnership works

The Redbridge Food Partnership (RFP) builds on key points from Redbridge Council’s Food Poverty Action Plan, created in 2017 by representatives from the London Borough of Redbridge’s public health team, children’s centres’ team, revenues and benefits service, and housing team; alongside Redbridge CVS, Redbridge Trussell Trust Foodbank, and Sustain. Input from other partners including ISS (school meals provider), the Healthy Start Alliance, and the Greater London Authority Mayor’s Fund London Holiday Provision Programme.

The partnership offers collaboration opportunities for organisations committed to making a positive impact on the local community. As a partnership, we face challenges head-on, share insights and leverage the strength of our combined efforts to create lasting solutions. We are tackling food insecurity, reducing food waste and supporting our community to thrive. Food partnerships have a proven and powerful approach to reducing food insecurities, ensuring that no member of the community goes without access to nourishing and affordable food.

The RFP member organisations meet monthly to develop a shared vision and joint action plan focusing on priority areas for the local community, and updates are shared via a monthly newsletter.


Key highlights

Here are some of the key outcomes and projects the partnership has achieved:   

  • Established a new food partnership with 19 active member organisations including foodbanks, community groups and public health team.  
  • Developed a shared vision for the partnership and co-designed key principles action plan. 
  • Established monthly network meetings along with monthly newsletter communication. 
  • Mapped and surveyed organisations providing food aid and low-cost food 

Looking forward the partnership aims to continue to grow the network membership and increase their impact through shared learning and collaborative projects, including: 

  • Increase the number of eligible families accessing the Healthy Start Scheme. 
  • Improve the availability of healthy food and drink for disadvantaged groups in the borough. 
  • Increase availability of outreach programmes and wrap-around support in community food service settings to people experiencing food insecurity. 

Join the partnership!

For more information contact or to sign up to the mailing list Redbridge Food Partnership. If you want to join the partnership, get in touch with