Latest news

Our wonderfully talented volunteers, supporters and staff have contributed to this collection of news and blogs. Read their stories to find out more about volunteering experiences, nutrition tips and FEAST updates!

  • Nutrition Programme, FEAST

    Food Waste and Loss

    Every year, around 1/3 of the world’s food is either lost or wasted. This is about 1.3 billion tonnes- more…

    FEAST With Us

    February 26, 2021

  • The Nutritional Benefits of Fruit and Veg

    2021 is set to be a big year for fruit and veg, and not just at FEAST With Us. At…

    FEAST With Us

    February 1, 2021

  • Our 2020

    It has been a humbling year of growth for the FEAST With Us community, transitioning from grassroots into small charity status. In the face of…

    FEAST With Us

    January 4, 2021

  • The Scary Truth about Food Waste: Introducing the Zero Food Waste FEAST Project

    There’s something very scary happening across the world. The figures speak for themselves. Globally, around one third of food produced for human consumption is…

    FEAST With Us

    November 13, 2020

  • Aviva Community Fund

    From everyone at FEAST With Us, we want to update you on our successful Aviva Crowdfunder campaign. The campaign ran from 26th…

    FEAST With Us

    October 30, 2020

  • Tackling the Food Poverty Crisis.

    In 2015, FEAST With Us embarked on the mission to eradicate food poverty across London by ensuring that vulnerable people…

    FEAST With Us

    September 28, 2020